Requesting an Absentee Ballot

A registered voter may obtain an absentee ballot request form by:

  • Picking one up at the Election office

  • Calling the office to request one

  • Requesting in writing

  • Requesting by email or fax



155 Broad Street NW
Cleveland, TN 37311


(423) 728-7115



(423) 728-7116

To expedite the application process, the voter should place the following information in the request for a ballot:

  1. The name of the registered voter;

  2. The address of the voter’s residence;

  3. The voter’s social security number;

  4. The address to mail the ballot outside the county (this applies only when the reason for voting by mail involves that the voter will be outside of the county during early voting and on election day);

  5. The election the voter wishes to participate in. If the election involves a primary, the political party in which the voter wishes to participate;

  6. The reason the voter wishes to vote absentee; and

  7. The voter’s signature. (If the voter is unable to sign his/her name, contact the Election Commission office for details.)

  8. The voter’s date of birth (2011 Amendment – P.C.412)

A request that contains this information will be treated and processed as an absentee ballot request form, and a ballot will be mailed to the voter.

A registered voter may obtain an absentee ballot request form no earlier than ninety (90) days before the election and no later than seven (7) days before the election. To be processed for the next election, the application must be received by the election commission no later than seven (7) days before the election.

In order to be counted the ballot must be received by election day.

The ballot must be returned by mail and not hand-delivered.